Think it’s the same old, same old when it comes homebuilding? Thirty seconds into last week’s International Builders’ Show in Las Vegas proves that nothing could be further from the truth!
We had the pleasure of attending this year’s show, and between new advances in green building, the exciting new design options and other products available—the sheer number of truly innovative ideas floating around the show floor and educational seminars was astounding.
One of my personal favorites, we got to tour an actual survival shelter brought to the show by the folks at Atlas Survival Shelters. Fascinating stuff!
What were our key takeaways?
1. Builders are focusing more than ever on mobile and other technologies to make new home information available on the go.
2. Green building techniques are not going away any time soon. Earth-friendly design is getting better and more affordable than ever.
3. The homebuyer is king. Yup, that’s you. Builders want to meet your needs and they are exploring new construction methods and new marketing methods to do just that!
Click here to learn more about the show. Want to attend? The show will be back in Las Vegas again next year. Check it out!